Wesley Fussner

Researcher in logic and algebra

About me Research Teaching Contact

My current research focuses on:
I'm PI of the Czech Science Foundation Junior Star project INTERACT. I'm also part of the joint DFG-GACR project CELIA (PI: Marta Bílková) and the Czech Science Foundation project MetaSuMo (PI: Petr Cintula).

I'm currently writing a monograph with Mai Gehrke about lattice completions.


  1. W. Fussner and S. Santschi, Amalgamation in Semilinear Residuated Lattices. Submitted manuscript, 40 pages. arXiv
  2. W. Fussner and S. Santschi, Interpolation in Hájek's Basic Logic. Submitted manuscript, 29 pages. arXiv
  3. W. Fussner, G. Metcalfe, and S. Santschi, Interpolation and the Exchange Rule. Submitted manuscript, 28 pages. arXiv
  4. W. Fussner and N. Galatos, Semiconic Idempotent Logic II: Beth Definability and Deductive Interpolation, Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 176:103528 (2024). 40 pages. arXiv  published.
  5. W. Fussner and S. Santschi, Interpolation in Linear Logic and Related Systems. In press at the ACM Transactions on Computational Logic. 18 pages. arXiv  published.
  6. W. Fussner and N. Galatos, Semiconic Idempotent Logic I: Structure and Local Deduction Theorems, Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 175:103443 (2024). 38 pages. arXiv  published.
  7. W. Fussner and G. Metcalfe, Transfer Theorems for Finitely Subdirectly Irreducible Algebras, J. Algebra 640:1-20 (2024), 20 pages. arXiv  published.
  8. W. Fussner, Poset Products as Relational Models, Studia Logica 110:95-120 (2022), 26 pages. arXiv  published
  9. W. Fussner and W. Zuluaga Botero, Some Modal and Temporal Translations of Generalized Basic Logic. In: U. Fahrenberg et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science (RAMiCS 2021), LNCS 13027, pp. 176-191, 17 pages. arXiv  published.
  10. W. Fussner and G. St. John, Negative Translations of Orthomodular Lattices and Their Logic. In: C. Heunen and M. Backens (eds.), Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Quantum Physics and Logic (QPL 2021), EPTCS 343, pp. 37-49, 12 pages. arXiv published
  11. W. Fussner, M. Gehrke, S. van Gool, and V. Marra, Priestley Duality for MV-algebras and Beyond, Forum Mathematicum 33:899-922 (2021), 23 pages. arXiv  published
  12. W. Fussner and P. Jipsen, Distributive Laws in Residuated Binars, Algebra Universalis 80, paper 54 (2019), 13 pages. arXiv  published
  13. W. Fussner and N. Galatos, Categories of models of R-mingle, Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 170:1188-1242 (2019), 55 pages. arXiv  published
  14. W. Fussner and A. Palmigiano, Residuation Algebras with Functional Duals, Algebra Universalis 80, paper 40 (2019), 10 pages. published
  15. W. Fussner and S. Ugolini, A Topological Approach to MTL-algebras, Algebra Universalis 80, paper 38 (2019), 37 pages. arXiv  published
  16. W. Fussner and A. Palmigiano, Residuation Algebras with Functional Duals. In: K. Adaricheva, W. DeMeo, and J. Hyndman (eds.), Algebras and Lattices in Hawai'i: Honoring Ralph Freese, Bill Lampe, and J.B. Nation, pp. 39-46, Lulu 2018, 7 pages. arXiv  published
  17. G. Bezhanishvili and W. Fussner, An Introduction to Symbolic Logic, Convergence, July 2013, 23 pages. published


  1. D.W. Fussner, Categories of Residuated Lattices, PhD Thesis, University of Denver, Electronic Theses and Dissertations 1527 (November 2018). 221 pages. pdf    published

   Technical reports

  1. W. Fussner and B. Schminke, Mining Counterexamples for Wide-Signature Algebras With an Isabelle Server. In: M. Douglas et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Theorem Proving (AITP 2021). Short paper. arXiv  proceedings
  2. W. Fussner, Computer-Assisted Identification of Splittings in Subvariety Lattices. In: C. Hales et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Theorem Proving (AITP 2020). proceedings
  3. W. Fussner, N. Ghannoum, T. Jakl, and C. Simpson, Classification of Finite Semigroups and Categories Using Computational Methods. In: C. Hales et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Theorem Proving (AITP 2020). proceedings

   Edited volumes

  1. U. Fahrenberg, W. Fussner, and R. Glück, (eds), Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science, Proceedings of the 21st International Conference, RAMiCS 2024, Prague, Czech Republic, Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14787, Springer, 2024. published

   Some recent talks

  1. Interpolation in Extensions of Linear Logic, Trends in Linear Logic and Applications, Tallinn, Estonia. slides
  2. Interpolation in Some Modal Substructural Logics, TACL 2024, Barcelona, Spain. slides
  3. Amalgamation in Varieties of BL-algebras, TACL 2024, Barcelona, Spain. slides
  4. Poset Products and Strict Implication, Cracow Logic Conference/Trends in Logic 2024, Cracow, Poland. slides
  5. Interpolation in basic fuzzy logics, Seminar of the Department of Logic, Charles University, Prague, Czechia. slides
  6. Toward a Systematic Theory of Amalgamation, Graduate Colloquium, University of Denver. slides
  7. Interpolation in Substructural Logics: What We Know and What We’d Like to Know, GALAI Seminar, Chapman University. slides
  8. Recent Progress on Amalgamation, Mathematics Colloquium, University of Bern, Switzerland. slides
  9. A Tour of Substructural Interpolation, Seminar on Applied Mathematical Logic, Prague, Czechia. slides
  10. Interpolation in Substructural Logics II: Logics without Exchange, MOSAIC 2023, Vienna, Austria. slides
  11. Interpolation in exchange-free logics, CLoCk 2023, Cracow, Poland (invited talk). slides
  12. Poset Product Representations Over Simple Residuated Lattices, RAMiCS 2023, Augsburg, Germany. slides
  13. Strict Implication Over Logics Without Contraction, Advances in Modal Logic 2022, Rennes, France. slides
  14. Interpolation via Finitely Subdirectly Irreducible Algebras, Fourth Workshop on Interpolation, Haifa, Israel. slides
  15. Representations by Antichain Labelings, BLAST 2022, Orange, California, USA (Invited talk). slides
  16. The Structure of Totally Ordered Idempotent Residuated Lattices, TACL 2022, Coimbra, Portugal. slides